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Are you a new or existing separation scientist or chromatographer in industry and academia?

You’ll want to join the Innovation Summit virtual event, now available on-demand,  to continue your learning journey and develop your knowledge.


Are you interested in hearing how world leading pharmaceutical companies such as Astra Zeneca, Moderna, Roche, Sanofi and many others achieve their business and research goals? Examples shared will include; best practices, how to navigate compliance requirements, and the latest technologies and tools they employ.

Highlights for the session topics include:

  • Accelerating pharmaceutical characterization
  • Cloud administration, business continuity and enterprise connectivity
  • Advances in large biomolecules analysis
  • Remove laboratory bottlenecks with streamlined reporting
  • Chromatography with advanced detection methods
  • Maintaining data integrity with easier compliance
  • Micro-flow proteomics and poster session
  • Mass Spectrometry, Automation and application driven workflows

Each auditorium session is 90 mins and there is also an exhibition area where our new instruments can be seen through a 3D Tour.


Calendar Reminders
  • Advancing Analytical Science
  • Chromeleon Software – No Compromise Enterprise
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